Wednesday, March 25, 2015

GregMorrison - Biodiversity

Over the years we hear about various species becoming endangered, or tragically going extinct. Many people will agree that letting an entire species cease to exist is irresponsible, especially when it is at our hand (as part of the human race).  However, there is a much greater concern when a species becomes endangered than just for that one species. This is where bio diversity comes into the conversation.  The following is a short explanation and analysis of what biodiversity is, why it is important and the impacts it has on the environment.
Biodiversity, is variety or variation of life. Biodiversity can be examined on a global scale as well as on a micro scale, such as the biodiversity of a lake. It can also be divided between genetic biodiversity, ecological biodiversity. Genetic biodiversity refers to the variation of genes within a specific species. Ecologically biodiversity refers to the diversity of ecosystems, meaning the diversity of species and their interactions with their environment.  According to the National Wildlife Federation we have identified 1.7 million species, yet current estimates state that there is likely 3-30 million species on earth. Some go as far to say that there are over 100 million species. Figure1 source: 

As we have learned in class biodiversity is very important to the well being of the environment. Biodiversity and genetic diversity make species and environments more stable. It makes it harder for humans or natural disasters, such as floods or hurricanes to have a negative impact on species population.  Species are also deeply connected, and dependent on the existence of other species for food, help forming their environment. In class we talked about keystone species such as the crocodile and the wolf. Both of which impact their environment in a variety of ways. The way many crocodiles dig out holes for their own habitat collect water that other species rely on for drinking water in times of drought or the dry season. Biodiversity is also influential to humans. As there are an array of pollinators that help plants. We also have made great strides in medicine thanks to plant and animal diversity.
Personally I see biodiversity is under threat, while extinction has been a natural part of the environment for many years. The rate is increasing and doing so at an exponential rate. As humans increase pollution through fossil fuel emissions and exacerbate climate change, deforest large sections of the rainforest and continue to overfish. We see a grave reduction in biodiversity on a global scale. _________________________________________________________________________________

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